Serving on Current

CIBA - Internal Economy, Budgets & Administration
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration (CIBA) has the mandate to consider all matters of a financial or administrative nature relating to the internal management of the Senate. It reviews and authorizes the budget applications of committees and sets guidelines and policies on items such as senators’ office management and financial matters.
Committee Reports

AEFA - Foreign affairs and International Trade Committee
The Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade has a mandate to examine legislation and matters relating to foreign and Commonwealth relations, including: treaties and international agreements; external trade; foreign aid; and territorial and offshore matters

ARCT - Arctic (Special) Committee
Following the adoption of a motion by the Senate, a special committee can be established to examine a specific piece of legislation or to study a particular issue. The Special Committee on the Arctic was appointed on September 27, 2017 to consider the significant and rapid changes to the Arctic, and impacts on original inhabitants.

OLLO - Official Languages Committee
The Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages has the mandate to study all matters relating to official languages generally. It studies matters relating to the application of the Official Languages Act (OLA) and of the regulations and directives made under it. The committee investigates the respect of Canadians’ language rights and the principle of equality of the two official languages. It examines questions pertaining to the OLA and pays particular attention to the federal government’s role and its commitment to advancing English and French in Canadian society and to enhancing the vitality of the English and French linguistic minority communities.

TRCM - Transport and Communications Committee
The Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications has the mandate to examine legislation and study issues related to transport and communications by land, air, water, and space, whether by radio, telephone, wire, cable, microwave, wireless, television, satellite, broadcasting, postal communications or any other form, method or means of communications. It also deals with matters relating to tourist traffic, common carriers, shipping and navigable waters.